Package org.apache.lenya.cms.ant

Class Summary
BulkCopyTask Copies all files matching filename or all specified filesets from each source directory.
ChangeHrefTask Ant task to change the href attribute of a label element in the sitetree.
ChangeVisibilityTask Ant task to change the visbility of a node in the navigation.
ComputeArchiveDocumentId Sets the property "newdocumentid" in the project to the value of the computed unique document id (document id of the source with the latest token replaced by the new name Used by ArchivDocument
ComputeCopyDocumentId Sets the property "newdocumentid" in the project to the value of the computed unique document id (document id of the parent + last token of the id of the source) Used by Copy and Move
ComputeNewDocumentId Ant task to set the property "newdocumentid" in the project with the value of computed unique document id, needed for the destination file Overriden for copy/move/rename.
ComputeRenameDocumentId Sets the property "newdocumentid" in the project to the value of the computed unique document id (document id of the source with the latest token replaced by the new name Used by Rename
CopyContentTask Ant task to copy the contents (xml files) belonging to a subtree defined by a given document id and a given area.
CopyPoliciesTask Ant task to copy the policies of a document
CopyResourcesTask Ant task, which implements the SiteTreeNodeVisitor for the operation copy the resources.
DeactivateResourcesTask Ant task to remove the resources belonging to a document with document id , area and language .
DeleteContentTask Ant task to delete the contents (xml files) of documents corresponding to a defined subtree Visitor of the defined subtree (visitor pattern).
DeleteLanguageNodeTask Ant task to remove the language from the node corresponding to the document with document id and area .
DeleteNodeTask Ant task to delete a node of a tree.
DeletePoliciesTask Ant task to delete the policies of documents corresponding to a defined subtree Visitor of the defined subtree (visitor pattern).
DeleteRCTask Ant task to delete the rcml- and backup files of documents corresponding to a defined subtree (Visitor pattern) Visitor of the subtree.
DeleteResourcesTask Ant task to delete the resources of documents corresponding to a defined subtree (Visitor pattern) Visitor of the subtree.
DeleteSchedulerEntryTask Moves the scheduler entry for a document.
DocumentIdToFile Ant task to get the file from the document-id.
DocumentIdToPath Ant task to get the directory path of the xml files of a document with document id.
DocumentOperationTask Abstract base class for Ant tasks, which implements the SiteTreeNodeVisitor to call an operation for a document.
DownloadFeeds Download (via HTTP) feed (RSS, Atom, ...) and verify well-formedness of XML
InitCopyWorkflowTask Ant task, which implements the SiteTreeNodeVisitor for the operation init the workflow history files when copying documents (Visitor pattern)
InitRCTask Ant task, to init the rc files of the destination's documents corresponding to a given source subtree.
InsertCopyNode Ant task that copies a node of a tree and inserts it in tree
InsertLabelTask Ant task to insert a label into an existing node in a tree.
LinkRewriteTask This task is used to rewrite internal links after a cut'n'paste operation, i.e.
MoveDocumentTask Ant task, which implements the SiteTreeNodeVisitor for the operation move a document.
MoveNode Ant task that moves a node in a tree.
MoveSiteTreeNodeTask Task to move a node amongst the siblings
MoveWorkflowTask Ant task, which implements the SiteTreeNodeVisitor for the operation move the workflow history files.
PublicationTask Abstract base class for publication-dependent Ant tasks.
RemoveLabelTask Ant task to insert a label into an existing node in a tree.
RenameLabelTask Ant task to rename a label in an existing node in a tree.
SCMFilenameFilter Filter to exclude SCM files, such as CVS and .svn.
SetAreaProperties ant task to set the properties of the project dependent of the area
SetIdentifier anttask to set the document-id in the dc:identifier of all existing files corresponding to this document-id
SiteTreeResetTask Ant task to reset the sitetree xml file
StaticHTMLExporter Ant task that exports a set of HTML URIs as static HTML files.
TreePublisher Ant task to publish the tree, adding a node for the new published document in the live tree
TwoNodesTask Abstract base class for Ant tasks, which manipulates two nodes.
WriteDCParametersTask Ant task to insert a label into an existing node in a tree.

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